Soonth Blocks, free modular Synthesizer plugin for macOS & Windows

The new developer Soonth has today released Blocks, a free modular Synthesizer plugin for macOS and Windows.

Blocks is a slightly different modular synthesizer. Not comparable with VCV Rack, ModulAir …

Soonth Blocks plugin deals

Soonth Blocks

Blocks is a free modular synth without modules and cables. Yes, instead, it uses tiny blocks that clip together and that you can arrange in a modular way. But you have to follow three important rules:

  • the audio flows down: similar to the data in a track
  • drag & drop to add modulations
  • stretch effects across channels

Everything is kept very simple and unspectacular in opinion. Not colorful but with an industrial look with black, gray, and white. Clicking on the module opens an in-depth menu with which you can set the modules, eh blocks. And in the tab on the left, you get more information about the active modulations and rates.

Compared to VCV Rack, the range of functions is very limited. However, you have everything you need to take your first steps in modular synthesis: sources (saw, sine, square, triangle & noise), modulators (LFO, ADSR envelope), and effects (filter, mixer, delay, reverb). Hopefully, there will be more functions in the future.

Blocks is certainly not a big competitor for VCV Rack. However, it’s a neat contrast to the super-deep VCV environment with fewer features and with a more simple user interface. This can be an advantage, especially for beginners. You can focus on the essentials without being distracted by too many features and modules. And yes, it’s a plugin.

Sonnth Blocks is available now as a free download for macOS and Windows and runs as a VST and AU plugin. It is also available as a standalone version

More information here: Sonnth 

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